Omnigraffle 6
Omnigraffle 6

Use the Diagram Layout inspector to explore and choose a layout style for your diagram.


Discover how to open a structured OmniOutliner file in OmniGraffle 6 and use Auto Layout to “flow” your diagram.Use the Outline Editor to enter hierarchical data for creating structured diagrams.Use the Resource Browser to choose a template and create a new document.While working through this tutorial, you will: Rather than just showing you how to connect boxes with lines, you will layout and design a fairly complex diagram, apply a color palette, and explore new ways to work in OmniGraffle 6-and your Mac-as a designer. This step-by-step guide goes beyond creating a basic flowchart. The result is a new tutorial, titled Getting Started with OmniGraffle. Ultimately, we swung for the fences by creating a “family tree” of sorts based on Greek mythology: We wanted this to be something that was visually-compelling something that showed off OmniGraffle’s strengths as a diagramming and design tool.

omnigraffle 6

Work began on a new OmniGraffle 6 tutorial a few months ago. In particular, the Sidebar, Resource Browser, and the Inspectors have all been greatly improved in OmniGraffle 7. If you have recently purchased OmniGraffle 7, you can still use this tutorial to learn about OmniGraffle however, there will be some noticeable changes in the user interface. The Getting Started with OmniGraffle tutorial is based on use of OmniGraffle 6 (version 6.6 to be exact).

Omnigraffle 6